Impact of covid-19 on education



Since coronavirus has caused a great panic for almost all over the world. About half of the population of the world has been affected by this deadly virus, and still, people are becoming the victims of this life-threatening virus. Covid-19 has not only affected the people but also badly attacked the economy of many countries. Even though, the economy of developing countries is terribly collapsed due to this.

This fatal virus has impacted education as well as students. During a lockdown, along with shops, educational institutes are also kept closed, and due to this, the trend of online education has increased extensively for a couple of years. If we specifically talk about the impacts of Covid-19 on education and students, then we can say it has impacted positively as well as negatively.


1.  Switching to online classes has manifested that we can easily provide education to remote areas where there is a fewer number of schools.

2. It also shows that online education is a great way to educate children without the risk of infection.

3. It has also provided a platform to children where they can get education relaxedly.

4. In online classes the use of papers has decreased to a great extent which is a step towards the preservation of natural resources.

 5. During the lockdown, the fee structure was also reduced due to less utilization of the school buildings, and in this way, parents had some relaxation in their expenditure.

6. During online education, parents had also the opportunity to know that how their kid(s) are being taught and how their kid(s) interacts in the class.


1. Students mostly face the issue of internet connection, and due to this, they cannot communicate with their teacher properly.

2. In most cases, students do not attend the online classes on the time, as the result, students do not get what is their teacher is teaching.

3. Sometimes, it is also observed that students do not attend the online class despite being online as they either play a game or fall asleep.

4. Some parents do not afford a smartphone and an internet facility for their kids due to financial reasons. Moreover, some parents have more than one kid, and for those kids, it is not possible to attend online classes at the same time as they need an equal quantity of smartphones that surely requires a huge amount, and parents cannot bear such amount for temporary based online classes, so,  for this reason, they let their kids miss their online classes.

 5. It also comes to notice, students do not interact actively with their teachers during online classes as they used to do in physical classes.

6. Some students create disturbance during online classes especially when the screen is shared, and it also happens that some students invite their anonymous friends into the classroom who are even not their class fellow.  

7. It is also noted by some teachers that when a student is assigned an activity to do himself during an online class. He does not do himself but gets the assistance of either their parents or siblings. Apart from that, students cheat during an online assessment too.