City Life vs Village Life


city vs village life


Generally, there are two types of human settlements. The first one is urban and another one is rural. People who live in cities or towns refer to the urban settlement and the people, who live in villages is known as rural settlement. There are many differences between both settlements.

Here are some differences which differentiate city life from village life.

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The very first difference between village and city life is facilities. There are many facilities in cities as compared to a village. The facilities of social services, job opportunities, security, and health are mainly found in the cities, and it is due to facilities; a large number of people move to cities.


The source of villagers’ earnings is largely dependent upon agriculture, and this is the reason, the most of villagers are usually farmers. They work all day in their fields to grow vegetables and grains which they mostly export to large cities. On the other hand, the people of cities belong to different professions.  They have many opportunities for employment based on their qualifications and skills, and it is also one of the reasons why people prefer city life.


The environment also makes city and village life quite different from each other. Huge pollution is usually found in big cities as many factories and vehicles are there, and the smoke from them contaminates the air that harshly affects the surroundings of cities. Meanwhile, villages’ environment is comparatively pleasant as compared to those of cities as there are fewer factories and transport which do not affect the ambiance of villages, and due to farming, villagers are naturally connected with nature too.


The gathering of villages and cities are poles apart too. On occasions, villagers usually meet and gather at their Otaqs or homes. Meanwhile, people in cities commonly arrange parties or book hotels for their family gatherings and meetings.


Infrastructure in villages and cities is enormously different from each other. There are colossal buildings and concrete houses in cities. On the other hand, the houses in villages are simple that are made of clay, bricks, or mud usually having 2 to 3 rooms.


In terms of food, there is a significant variation of food in cities as well as in villages. In cities, people often prefer to have fast food and artificial drinks such as colas, soda, or carbonated drinks. Along with that, they usually go to hotels and restaurants for dining too. But in villages, there is a completely different eating style as they prefer to eat fresh vegetables; they often use vegetables which they grow in their fields. Moreover, in drinks, they take “Lassi”, which is not very healthy for their health but it also protects them from the heatwave, and this is the reason villagers are healthier than the people of cities.


Transportation in cities and villages is quite different. Some villagers still use carts for small distances, and for long distances, they take buses or trains. In cities, people own cars and bikes which they use as a means of transportation. Moreover, there is a facility for public transport in cities as well.


Thus, there are enormous differences between city and village life, but despite the differences, both have their significance, and it is the choice of people which life they prefer.


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